Monday, April 15, 2019

Naked Man (2)

The top picture is from Bachelorette Party Uncensored coloring book. Bottom picture is another internet photo I turned into a coloring page. These get done faster because there aren't as many areas to color, but they aren't all I do! They would take longer if I colored every available space, but I like leaving white space on them. Both were completed April 12, 2019.

Naked Men

I took a photo I found on the internet and turned it into a coloring page via an app on my phone (Tiny Scanner Pro). Tiny Scanner Pro is the same app I use to get decent photos of my completed works. Once again, I don't really stick to real life, but that's what I like to do. Completed April 11, 2019.


This mandala is from Color Happy's February 2019 package. You pay a subscription fee of $10.00 per month and get a downloadable PDF package delivered to your email inbox each month. This one was printed on plain white paper, cut out after completed, and placed on a background of blue cardstock for the photo. Completed April 10, 2019.

Naked Man

This coloring page is from a coloring book PDF file found on Etsy - Bachelorette Party Uncensored Version. As you can see, I'm not very traditional. I don't like to stick with real life all the time. Completed March 31, 2019.